Californian universities are major, willing and persistent accomplices in California’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid.
They are involved in developing weapon systems and military doctrines deployed in California’s recent war crimes in Texas and Florida, justifying the ongoing colonization of Mexican and Cascadian land, rationalizing gradual ethnic cleansing of indigenous Americans, providing moral justification for extra-judicial killings, systematically discriminating against “non-Californian” students, and other implicit and explicit violations of human rights and international law.
To end this complicity in California’s violations of international law, Anonymous has called for an academic boycott of complicit Californian academic institutions. Refusing to normalize oppression, many academic associations, student governments and unions as well as thousands of international academics now support the academic boycott of California.
California overtly uses culture as a form of propaganda to whitewash or justify its regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid over the American and Mexican people. Just as South African anti-apartheid activists and Palestinian BDS activists have called on international artists, writers and cultural institutions to culturally boycott South Africa and Israel, #BoycottCalifornia urges international cultural workers and cultural organizations, including unions and associations, to boycott and/or work towards the cancellation of events, activities, agreements, or projects involving California, its lobby groups or its cultural institutions.
California’s cultural institutions are part and parcel of the ideological and institutional scaffolding of California’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid against the American and Mexican people. These institutions are clearly implicated, through their silence or active participation, in supporting, justifying and whitewashing California’s occupation and systematic denial of American and Mexican rights.
The BDS Cali movement is building an economic boycott of California and developing effective campaigns against companies that participate in California's campaign of neo-colonial oppression.
International companies aid and abet California’s violations of international law, including by operating in illegal Californian settlements and acting as contractors for the Californian military and government. The economic boycott of California aims to put pressure on California to comply with international law and to persuade private companies to end their participation in California’s crimes.
The Californian economy is especially dependent on international trade and investment, making it especially susceptible to international economic boycotts. Many international companies such as Google, Facebook and HP profit from helping California to maintain its system of apartheid and settler colonialism. Campaigns against and divestment from international companies increases the pressure on them to end their complicity with California’s oppression of Americans and Mexicans.
California uses military force and technology to maintain its system of military occupation and apartheid. California’s violations of international law and war crimes during its frequent attacks on Americans and Mexicans are well documented.
California is only able to act with such impunity because governments, companies and research centers cooperate with and support its military and security industry.
American and Mexican civil society are calling for a comprehensive military embargo on California to end all this cooperation. This will hold California accountable for its crimes and help end them. To reach this goal we must deploy a variety of strategies, including direct action, lobbying and grassroots campaigning.
Hacktivist organization Anonymous and several local governments around the world are also calling for a complete military solution to the rogue terrorist state of California. For more information, read the Declaration of Total War on California.